1st Residential Work-Course "Cosmetic Stability Evaluator"


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28 Jan, 2022 / 31 May, 2022
Milan - Enterprise Hotel

Residential Work-Course Residenziale “Product Cosmetic Stability Evaluator”

12-13 May 2022 – Milan - Hotel Enterprise

After having successfully experimented for some years the training of the Safety Evaluator, now our training program towards the complete qualification of the Cosmetic Evaluator proceeds with the second Module which deals with the Evaluation of the stability of cosmetic products.

The stability of the product is also a guarantee of safety, as also established in the EC Cosmetic Regulation, but also extensively crosses the other two columns of Quality, namely Effectiveness and Pleasantness; the link between Security and Stability is particularly hoped for by us, so much so as to offer concessions in the registration fees for those wishing to secure both SICC Accademia diplomas

As for the Safety Evaluator, our educational approach is of a design type: designing Stability is in fact the title of the second part of the Course, with the aim of creating a potential consultant for development technicians (Product, Pack and Process Development) even before that. than an expert in the methods of evaluation and validation of prototypes in terms of stability