In the memory of a dear friend - Lorenzo La Mattina


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11 Jun, 2021 / 31 Dec, 2021
SICC Headoffice

In the memory of a dear friend - Lorenzo La Mattina

I met Lorenzo a few decades ago, and always respecting our mutual privacy, I traveled with him, until yesterday, a parallel itinerary in the name of our common passion for cosmetic science. I say until yesterday not by chance, because it is not long since Lorenzo said he was worried about not being able to critically review his chapter on Decorative Cosmetics, which will be published in the next edition of the Cosmetologist's manual!

Associated with SICC since 1975, Lorenzo immediately distinguished himself for the rationality of his approach which led him to be without a doubt the king of technology for Decorative Cosmetics; For a long time, colorful compositions and production methods were no secret for him; the professionals of the sector, both Italian and international, have turned to him for suggestions in moments of formulation and production panic!

I should spend hours to tell about his journey in the world of our Association, which culminated with the 2013/2015 presidency, in preparation for the events of the year of the Milan Expo. Always at the forefront of our most important events, thanks also to the exceptional command of the English language, he has been able to combine scientific knowledge with the well-being of the person, as befits a perfect promoter of Italian Cosmetology at an international level.

More than his professional qualities, which are in the public domain in our environment, I particularly want to emphasize his moral and human depth, which is expressed in an unattainable way in the ability to overcome the most impervious obstacles that life has wanted to oppose: a great teaching for those who hide behind often insignificant problems, and a spur, which will remain with us forever, to live the present well, planning for the future even in the most desperate moments! Great example of life, supported in this by his dear Roberta, Stefania and Federico!

But there is another aspect that made him great: the ability to manage, with refinement, situations of conflict, even violent, between people, always finding a way of mediation that is not compromising, which has often meant overcoming moments of crisis also in our Association: a Quality, also this, difficult to find in people.

In short, an exemplary person and personality, were it not for his Inter faith, but this is another story!

Goodbye Lorenzo, I am sure that when we meet again we will find you teaching the Angels how to make Heaven more welcoming and…. Colored!