<<<October 2024>>>


Sicc Events
Sicc Accademy Events
Other Sicc Events
21 Oct, 2024 Hr : 8:00 / 25 Oct, 2024 Hr : 20:00
Sestri Levante - Hotel 2 Mari ( GE )

11th Complete Course of Cosmetic Safety Assessors

The training objective responds to the cosmetologist's need regarding the design of cosmetic formulas that are safe for consumers.

The course dedicates an important part of the training to the influence that the various cosmetic forms, their ingredients and packaging have on the safety of the product when used by both the consumer and the professional.

 The course is dedicated not only to those who hold the mandatory degrees required by the Cosmetic Regulations to carry out the functions of safety assessor, but also to cosmetologists or entrepreneurs who wish to acquire autonomy in submitting formulations to the consultant assessor that are sufficiently guaranteed from the safety point of view. cosmetic safety

 The final exam allows you to obtain the diploma of participation in the SICC Course for Security Assessors 

 Students who achieve the best score will be rewarded with free participation in next year's IPCE Conference

 The Bay of Silence of Sestri Levante (GE), one of the most beautiful corners of the Mediterranean, will be the backdrop for participants and companions who will be able to enjoy the excellent services of the "2 Mari" Hotel which will host teachers and students with full board, thus giving the possibility of alternating intensive teaching sessions with moments of relaxation in the wellness spaces offered by the Hotel



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21 Oct 2024
9.00 Mignini Elio Briefing
9.30 Pirotta Giulio Perchè il safety assessment
11.00 Marangoni Lorenzo Responsabilità del Valutatore e del Produttore in base al Regolamento Cosmetico
16:00 Rogiers Vera New strategies in safety assessment of cosmetics
17:00 Rogiers Vera TTC plant ingredients
22 Oct 2024
9:00 Pirotta Giulio Dove troviamo le informazioni ECHA, CIR, IFRA
15.00 Ferraro Luca Importanza della tossico cinetica: assorbimento percutaneo, metabolismo. Valutazione della tossicità sistemica
23 Oct 2024
9:00 Bonfigli Adriana Test clinici, trattamento dei volontari, codice etico. Valutazione della protezione solare (SPF, UVA, Water resistance): test in-vivo ed in-vitro
11:00 Boracchi Silvia Introduzione. Rischio e qualità microbiologica: i limiti di accettabilità
12:00 Boracchi Silvia La valutazione della protezione antimicrobica e il PaO. I prodotti antimicrobici
15:00 Pirotta Giulio PAO, scadenza, impurezze
17:00 Sommavilla Andrea La valutazione di sicurezza del packaging cosmetico
24 Oct 2024
9:00 Sartor Giovanna Chimica degli ingredienti
11:00 Gregorini Francesco REACH, CLP e la documentazione delle materie prime
15:00 Lionetti Nicola Pericolo, rischio, fattori chiave. Esposizione ai cosmetici: considerazioni generali. La relazione sulla sicurezza
25 Oct 2024
9:00 Pirotta Giulio Esercitazioni
13:30 Sartor Giovanna Esame e consegna diplomi
14:00 Mignini Elio Progetto SPES di SICC